Sweeny Case Study#

from datascience import *
from cs104 import *
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline

Voter and Medical Data as in Sweeny’s work#

# example data from: Zheleva and Getoor, "PRIVACY IN SOCIAL NETWORKS: A SURVEY", Social Network Data Analytics, 2011.
voters = Table().read_table('data/sweeny_voters.csv')
Name Birth Year Sex Zip Party
Ana 2001 F 20740 Democrat
Bob 1997 M 83209 Democrat
Chris 1998 M 20740 Democrat
Don 1993 M 83209 Republican
Emma 1998 F 20740 Democrat
Fabio 1998 M 20740 Democrat
Gina 1994 F 83209 Democrat
Halle 1993 F 83209 Republican
Ian 1991 M 83209 Republican
John 1998 M 20740 Democrat
records = Table().read_table('data/sweeny_medical_records.csv')
Birth Year Sex Zip Medical Records
1994 M 83209 Record #1
1997 F 83209 Record #2
2004 M 20740 Record #3
2003 F 20740 Record #4
2004 M 83209 Record #5
1992 M 83209 Record #6
1998 F 83209 Record #7
1994 F 83209 Record #8
2001 F 20740 Record #9
2003 M 83209 Record #10

... (20 rows omitted)

joined = voters.join('Birth Year', records)
Birth Year Name Sex Zip Party Sex_2 Zip_2 Medical Records
1991 Ian M 83209 Republican F 20740 Record #15
1991 Ian M 83209 Republican M 20740 Record #19
1991 Ian M 83209 Republican F 83209 Record #20
1991 Ian M 83209 Republican F 20740 Record #25
1991 Ian M 83209 Republican M 83209 Record #27
1993 Don M 83209 Republican M 20740 Record #26
1993 Halle F 83209 Republican M 20740 Record #26
1994 Gina F 83209 Democrat M 83209 Record #1
1994 Gina F 83209 Democrat F 83209 Record #8
1994 Gina F 83209 Democrat F 20740 Record #18

... (11 rows omitted)

joined = voters.join(make_array('Birth Year', 'Sex', 'Zip'), records)
Birth Year Sex Zip Name Party Medical Records
1991 M 83209 Ian Republican Record #27
1994 F 83209 Gina Democrat Record #8
1994 F 83209 Gina Democrat Record #23
1997 M 83209 Bob Democrat Record #21
2001 F 20740 Ana Democrat Record #9
joined.where('Name', are.equal_to('Bob'))
Birth Year Sex Zip Name Party Medical Records
1997 M 83209 Bob Democrat Record #21
joined.where('Name', are.equal_to('Gina'))
Birth Year Sex Zip Name Party Medical Records
1994 F 83209 Gina Democrat Record #8
1994 F 83209 Gina Democrat Record #23