0 |
Feb 3 |
1 |
Feb 6, 8, 10 |
Text Processing
[regex tokenization html ipynb]
HW0: Preliminaries
Released: Mon, Feb 6
Due: Thurs, Feb 9 at 9:59pm |
2 |
Feb 13, 15
[Feb 17 - No class, Winter Carnival] |
Language Modeling and Naive Bayes
[shakespeare ngrams html ipynb]
HW1: Spam via Regular Expressions
Released: Mon, Feb 13
Due: Thurs, Feb 16 at 9:59pm |
3 |
Feb 20, 22, 24 |
Logistic Regression
[numpy html ipynb]
J&M Ch.5: Logistic Regression
HW2: Naive Bayes
Released: Mon, Feb 20
Due: Fri, Feb 24 at 3:59pm ET |
4 |
Feb 27
Mar 1, 3 |
Vector Semantics
[numpy vectorizing html ipynb]
HW3: Logistic Regression
Released: Mon, Feb 27
Due: Fri, Mar 3 at 3:59pm ET |
5 |
March 6, 8, 10 |
Deep Learning for NLP
[computation graphs,
[backprop html ipynb]
[pytorch html ipynb]
[pretrained html ipynb]
J&M Ch.7: Neural Networks
HW4: Vector Semantics
Released: Mon, Mar 6
Due: Fri, Mar 10 at 3:59pm ET |
6 |
Mar 13, 15
[Mar 17 - No class due to midterm]
Monday - Wrap-Up Deep Learing
Wednesday - Project Logistics & Midterm Review
Thursday March 16, Evening Midterm 6-9:30pm (materials thru HW4)
[Midterm Guide]
Project: Group preference form
Due: Sunday (3/19) at 10pm ET
Mar 18 - April 2 |
Spring Break |
7 |
Apr 3, 5, 7 |
Dialogue systems and Transformers
- J&M Ch. 10: Transformers and Pretrained Language Models
- J&M Ch.24: Dialog Systems and Chatbots
HW5: Deep Learning for NLP
Released: Mon, Apr 3
Due: Fri, Apr 7 at 3:59pm ET
Project: Topic selection form
Due: Sun, Apr 9 at 9:59pm ET
Project: Scheduling form
Due: Sun, Apr 9 at 9:59pm ET
8 |
Apr 10-14 |
Lecture time: Flipped classroom, project work
HW6: Chat Bots (Groups)
Released: Weds, April 12
Checkpoint (Parts 1&2): Fri, April 21 at 3:59pm ET
Due: Fri, Apr 28 at 3:59pm ET (*no late submissions)
Project: Mini-lectures next week
9 |
Apr 17-21 |
Lecture time: Student Mini-Lectures
[announcement slides]
Project: Annotated Bibliography
Due: Sun Apr 23 at 9:59pm ET
10 |
Apr 24-28 |
No full-class lecture. Distributed project meetings with Katie
[schedule alternative view]
Project: Outline
Due: Sun Apr 30 at 9:59pm ET
11 |
May 1-5 |
No full-class lecture. Distributed project meetings with Katie |
Project: Code for Code Review
Due: Sun May 7 at 9:59pm ET
12 |
May 8-12 |
No full-class lecture. Distributed project meetings with Katie
Project Poster Session Bronfman Auditorium Thurs May 11, 6-8pm |
Final Project Completed Final report to Gradescope Due: May 19, 4pm |
| | | | |