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Home | Schedule | Labs | Williams CS | CS333-Slack


There are regular laboratory assignments in this course. However, there is no separately scheduled lab meeting. To make the coursework more manageable, valuable, and fun, portions of labs will be discussed in conferences and videos, and many labs will be completed in small groups so that we may collectively learn and support each other. All course work remains subject to the college and department honor codes, as well as any supplementary guidelines included in each assignment.

Date Topic Handouts
February 17 Setting Up Our Environment Lab 0 Guidelines
Out: 02/23
Due: 03/09
libC, system calls, & testing small programs Lab 1 Guidelines
Out: 03/09
Due: 03/16
Hello, FUSE! Lab 2 Guidelines
Out: 03/16
Due: 04/06 (Part I checkpoint)
Due: 04/27 (Part II complete)
FUSE ReFS [part I | part II]
Starter Code [video | slides]
Out: 04/27
Due: 05/23
Final Projects Project Guidelines