The Socio-Techno Web

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Instructor:Bill Jannen
Phone: x4509
Office: TCL 306
Office Hours: Monday 1-2pm, Thursday 10-noon, and by appt
Meetings: TuTh at selected times for 1 hour in TCL 306
Labs: Friday 11-12:15pm TCL 217

Course Description

This course introduces many fundamental concepts in computer science by examining the social aspects of computing. As more and more people use the technologies and services available via the Internet, online environments like Facebook, Amazon, Google, Twitter, and blogs are flourishing. However, several of the problems related to security, privacy, and trust that exist in the real world transfer and become amplified in the virtual world created by the ubiquity and pervasiveness of the Internet. In this course, we will investigate how the social, technological, and natural worlds are connected, and how the study of networks sheds light on these connections. Topics include the structure of the Social Web and networks in general; issues such as virtual identity, personal and group privacy, trust evaluation and propagation, and online security; and the technology, economics, and politics of Web information and online communities. No background in computer science or programming is required or expected.

Syllabus & Texts

The course syllabus can be found online.

There are three required texts:

Additional readings, audio, and video will be posted to the course website.