The Socio-Techno Web

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Week 10: Net Neutrality

Net neutrality is a timely topic since, it seems, the FCC will soon vote on the issue. In this assignment we will sift through competing narratives in an attempt understand what is actually at stake.


In this assignment, we will read arguments on both sides of the net neutrality debate. At the end we should be able to actively participate in the ongoing (jargon-laden) conversation. In particular, we should understand:

Much of the discussion in the media is US-specific. We should also think about the meaning of net neutrality in other contexts (e.g., human rights, censorship).

In addition to building familiarity with the topic and the language used in the debate, we will participate in the debate. We will write to our representatives and/or submit a comment on the FCC website.


Required Readings:

Optional Readings/Media:
