Lab 5 Part 2: GraphViz

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Problem 0: Understanding the Layout Algorithm

The graph drawing problem has been studied extensively. While there are many good algorithms for drawing graphs, no one algorithm shines as “the” graph drawing algorithm. Every algorithm has its strengths and weaknesses, and many algorithms that work well on certain graphs will produce poor layouts for other graphs. Before diving into the details of graph layout, we should decide what it means for a graph drawing to be “aesthetic pleasing”.

Layout Heuristics

We will use the following two common heuristics to guide how we will try to lay out graphs in an aesthetic pleasing way:

  • Position connected nodes near one another. If connected nodes are near each other, a reader can focus on one part of the graph and see the local structure of the graph in that region. For example, below are two renditions of the same graph, where the graph on the left-hand side has connected nodes placed near each other and the right-hand side has connected nodes spaced far apart:

As you can see, the left-hand graph is much easier to interpret.

  • Maximize the distance between unconnected nodes. If two unconnected nodes are placed near one another, the reader can be confused into thinking that they are somehow related when in fact there is no connection between them. For example, consider the two drawings below:

Again, the left-hand graph is much easier to interpret.

Algorithmically placing nodes according to these heuristics is difficult since the position of each node influences the position of each other node. Thus a direct approach requires solving a large, complex system of equations. However, there is an easier way for us…

Layout via Physics Simulation

Rather than solving for the answer directly, we’ll instead start with a random layout, then continuously refine the positions of the nodes to improve upon the heuristics. Over time, the nodes will reach a positions that balance the heuristics, and we’ll end up with an aesthetically pleasing graph drawing.

The key step in this algorithm is deciding how to update node positions, and to do this we’ll take a cue from physics. At each step of the graph layout, we’ll have the nodes exert forces on one another. These forces will push and pull nodes that are in sub-optimal positions until they eventually come to rest in a stable location. Because we want unconnected nodes to be far apart from one another, we’ll have each node repel each other node with some force. Similarly, because we want connected nodes to remain near one another, we’ll have each edge between nodes attract its endpoints. As these forces move the nodes around, the positions of the nodes will tend toward configurations where the net force on each node is minimized; that is, when there is a balance between the forces spacing out unconnected nodes and keeping together connected nodes.

Algorithm for Physics-Based Graph Layout
  • Assign each node in the graph an initial location.
  • While the layout is not finished:
    • Have each node exert a repulsive force on each other node.
    • Have each edge exert an attractive force on its endpoints.
    • Move the nodes according to the net force acting on them.

The details of each step is customizable: we can initialize the positions of the nodes however we choose, decide when the layout is good enough to stop, and use almost any function to determine the strengths of the attractive and repulsive forces. We’ll outline one set of design choices below, but we encourage you to try out your own variations; I’ve suggested several ideas at the end of this handout.

  1. Assigning initial node positions. There is no one “correct way” to initially lay out the nodes in the graph. Because the algorithm takes an initial guess and improves over time, pretty much any initial layout will do, but some initial layouts will enable faster convergance. You’ll initially position the nodes so that they are evenly spaced apart on the unit circle. In particular, in a graph with \(n\) nodes, the \(k^{th}\) node should be placed at

    \[ \left(\cos\frac{2 \pi k}{n},\sin\frac{2 \pi k}{n} \right)\]

    Here, angles are represented in radians.

  2. Determining when we’re finished. If the algorithm stops too early, then the nodes may not have moved into good positions; if it runs too long, the computer will waste time trying to improve upon an already perfect layout. There are ways to automatically detect whether to continue (or simply run for a fixed duration), but we’ll just let the user decide when to stop.

  3. Computing forces. The particular approach we will use to compute forces is based on the Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm. In Fruchterman-Reingold, every node exerts a repulsive force on every other node that is inversely proportional to the distance between those nodes, and each edge exerts an attractive force on its endpoints proportional to the square of the distance between those nodes. This means that as connected nodes grow more distant to one another, the attractive force rises quickly and the repulsive force drops off, so connected nodes will have a tendency to “snap back” toward one another. Similarly, as the nodes draw increasingly close, the repulsive force grows rapidly while the attractive force diminishes, so the nodes will move away from each other. Only when the nodes are at a perfect distance from one another will the forces balance and the nodes cease to move.

    To keep track of the net forces on each node \(a\), you’ll maintain \(\Delta x_a\) and \(\Delta y_a\) values storing the net forces on node \(a\) along the x and y axes. The net forces in each direction begin at zero, but will be adjusted by the interactions of each node with each other node:

    Initial Forces

    For each node \(a\) at \((x_a, y_a)\):

    • \(\Delta x_a = 0\)
    • \(\Delta y_a = 0\)

    The first source of force acting on each node is the repulsive force exerted by every node against every other node. For each pair of nodes \(a\) and \(b\) at positions \((x_a, y_a)\) and \((x_b, y_b)\), the magnitude of the repulsive force F_{repel} between these nodes is

    \[ F_{repel} = \frac{k_{repel}}{\sqrt{ (x_b - x_a)^2 + (y_b - y_a)^2 }} \]

    Where \(k_repel\) is a constant that controls the strength of the repulsive attraction. If the magnitude of this constant increases, then nodes repel each other more strongly; if it has a small magnitude, then nodes hardly repel each other at all. A value of \(0.005\) will work to get started, but you are free to experiment with this value if you wish.

    Once you have computed the magnitude of the repulsive force, you will need to determine how much of that force is in the y-direction and how much of it is in the x-direction. To see how this force splits up, consider the following diagram:

    Here, \(F_x\) and \(F_y\) are the forces in the x and y directions exerted on the node at \((x_a, y_a)\). Using some simple trigonometry, we get that

    \[ \begin{array}{rcl} F_{x_a} & = & −F_{repel} \cdot \cos \theta \\ F_{y_a} & = & −F_{repel} \cdot \sin \theta \end{array} \]

    By Newton’s laws, the force exerted against the node \((x_b, y_b)\) are the opposite:

    \[ \begin{array}{rcl} F_{x_b} & = & F_{repel} \cdot \cos \theta \\ F_{y_b} & = & F_{repel} \cdot \sin \theta \end{array} \]

    Here, we’ve been using the angle \(\theta\) to represent the angle indicated in the above drawing. Again, simple trigonometry tells us that

    \[ \theta = \tan^{-1} \frac{y_b - y_a}{x_b - x_a} \]

    To summarize, the algorithm for computing repulsive forces is as follows:

    Computing Repulsive Forces

    For each pair of nodes \(a\) and \(b\) at locations \((x_a, y_a)\) and \((x_b, y_b)\), respectively:

    • Compute force and angle between nodes:
      • \(F_{repel} = \frac{k_{repel}}{\sqrt{ (x_b - x_a)^2 + (y_b - y_a)^2 }}\)
      • \(\theta = \tan^{-1} \frac{y_b - y_a}{x_b - x_a}\)
    • Update forces on each node:
      • \(\Delta x_a\) -= \(F_{repel} \cdot \cos \theta\)
      • \(\Delta y_a\) -= \(F_{repel} \cdot \sin \theta\)
      • \(\Delta x_b\) += \(F_{repel} \cdot \cos \theta\)
      • \(\Delta y_b\) += \(F_{repel} \cdot \sin \theta\)

    The second source of force acting on each node is the attractive forces between nodes joined together by edges. In this case, the attractive force \(F_{attract}\) is proportional to the square of the distance between the nodes:

    \[ F_{attract} = {k_{attract}} \cdot ((x_b - x_a)^2 + (y_b - y_a)^2) \]

    As above, \(k_{attract}\) is a constant controlling the strength of the attractive force and using the value \(0.005\) is a good starting point. Following similar reasoning as for repulsive forces, we can compute how this force divides over the x and y components as follows:
    Computing Attractive Forces

    For each edge from a node \(a\) at \((x_a, y_a)\) to a node \(b\) at \((x_b, y_b)\):

    • Compute force and angle between nodes:
      • \(F_{attract} = {k_{attract}} \cdot ((x_b - x_a)^2 + (y_b - y_a)^2))\)
      • \(\theta = \tan^{-1} \frac{y_b - y_a}{x_b - x_a}\)
    • Update forces on each node:
      • \(\Delta x_a\) += \(F_{attract} \cdot \cos \theta\) // Note that this is +=, not -=!
      • \(\Delta y_a\) += \(F_{attract} \cdot \sin \theta\)
      • \(\Delta x_b\) -= \(F_{attract} \cdot \cos \theta\) // Note that this is -=, not +=!
      • \(\Delta y_b\) -= \(F_{attract} \cdot \sin \theta\)


  4. Moving Nodes According to the Forces. Once you’ve computed the net \(\Delta x_a\) and \(\Delta y_a\) forces for each node \(a\), moving the nodes is easy:

    Moving Nodes

    For each node \(a\) at \((x_a, y_a)\):

    • Move \(a\) to \((x_a + \Delta x_a, y_a + \Delta y_a)\)

    (Note that in a true physical simulation the forces on each object would change the velocity of the object rather than directly modifying its position, but changing positions is sufficient. If you’d like to experiment with each node having a velocity and a position, feel free to do so.)

Problem 1: Project Setup

For Part 2, we will need to use your GraphADT Framework in another project. The easiest way to do this is to create an XCode “workspace” that includes both projects. A “product” from one (ie, your GraphADT.framework) can then be imported into the other. We have already set up the GraphProjects workspace for you. Simply close the project from Part 1 and instead open the GraphProjects.xcworkspace in your lab 5 directory. Once open, you should see both the GraphADT and GraphClients projects in the Project Navigator. The GraphClients project has a GraphViz target, which is what you will be working on. The Scheme options in the Tool bar should include targets from both projects, and you can build, test, and run either one from the workspace.

Even though the workspace is already set up, we’ll describe how to create it in case you ever need to something similar. Feel free to skip down to Code from Connect The Dots.

  • Create a new workspace via “File -> New -> Workspace…”

  • Then, find the XCode project you wish to include in Finder and drag the .xcodeproj file into the workspace’s Project Navigator, as illustrated below:

Repeat for each project you wish to include. Be sure they end up next to each other in the Project navigator, and not nested inside of each other. If that happens, simply drag the nested project to the top of the panel to reposition it.

  • To include a framework from one project in the target of another, select the General preferences for the target, and then drag the desired framework from the Project navigator into the list of “Linked Frameworks and Libraries”. For example, to add GraphADT.framework to the GraphClients/GraphViz target, follow the following steps:

Code from Connect The Dots

You will also need to add your GraphView.swift, GraphItem.swift (if a separate file), and ModelToViewCoordinates.swift files to the GraphViz target. I suggest doing this by first using the Finder to copy those source files from your ConnectTheDots project to the GraphProjects/GraphClients/GraphViz folder using the Finder. You can then add them to the GraphClients project selecting “Files -> Add Files to GraphClients…” from the menu bar inside XCode. (This avoids accidentally having your new project refer to the original versions of those files in the ConnectTheDots rather than new copies in GraphViz.) My solution to Connect The Dots is below – you may use these classes directly if you would like, or simply as guidance for design/style/documentation expectations.

And here is the jazzy-generated documentation.

Problem 2: GraphViz Implementation

You will need to implement GraphViz using the usual MVC design pattern. Plan your approach before you begin coding, and stage your development in small, manageable, and testable pieces. Be sure to look at the hints below as you begin working on this part.


We have many choices for how to design the model for this program. In essence, we must keep a graph and the location where each node will be drawn. There are a number of design options here:

  1. Change the graph ADT to keep a location for each node and have the graph manage layout; or

  2. Keep two variables in our controller:
    • var graph : Graph
    • var locations : [String:CGPoint]

    and let the controller manage the layout.

  3. Design a new class DrawableGraph that manages both the graph and the node locations inside of it, and that also provides methods for performing the layout steps. A minimal sketch of this class is as follows:

    public class DrawableGraph {
      private let graph : Graph = Graph()
      private var locations : [String:CGPoint] = [:]
      public init() { }
      public func add(_ node: String, at location: CGPoint) {
        ... add node to graph ...
        locations[node] = location
      public func addEdge(from: String, to: String, label: String) {
        ... add edge to graph ...
      public func location(of node: String) -> CGPoint {
        return locations[node]!
      ... Any additional methods that are necessary to enable
      your ViewController to convert a DrawableGraph to an array
      of GraphItems and to run the layout algorithm...

    This is the design I encourage you to follow.


Answer the following in the for your GraphClients/GraphViz project.

  1. Option 1 and 2 above both have shortcomings. Explain what they are in one or two sentences.

  2. Explain how Option 3 avoids those shortcomings.

The JSON graph file format is different this week. Each file will have a nodes and edges section, with each edge having a source, destination, and label. Refer to the example files, such as small-cows.json, cows, and bull.json, for concrete examples. Most of the other data files just have empty edge labels since we are mostly interested in graph layout this week.

Layout Algorithm Code

I have also provided a skeleton of your Algorithm Steps 1, 3 and 4 so you don’t have to worry about implementing the mathematics. It’s not terribly difficult, but I’d like you to focus more on the other parts of the lab. My code uses a new Core Graphics struct, CGVector, to store \(\Delta\). Step 1 is implemented as a handy initializer that creates a DrawableGraph from a JSON file and evenly places the nodes around the unit circle, as described in Algorithm Step 1. Steps 3 and 4 are implemented as two distinct methods:

let forces = drawableGraph.computeForcesOnNodes()  // Algorithm Step 3
drawableGraph.moveNodes(by: forces)                // Algorithm Step 4

Note that you’ll need to fix up how my code accesses the DrawableGraph to match your own implementation.

As with all ADTs, include an abstraction function, representation invariant, and internal checkRep() method in your DrawableGraph class. To avoid repetition, you can simply refer to items from your Graph specification when appropriate. For example, the abstract state could simply be “same as the Graph’s abstract state, augmented with a location for each node”; the abstraction function can be “the graph described by the graph property, where the location of each node n is locations[n]”; and the rep invariant is that “locations has an entry for every node in graph”.


Your view will be a small extension over what you wrote for “Connect The Dots”. The new features you’ll support in your GraphView are the following:

  • Edges in our graphs are directed, and your GraphView should indicate their direction by drawing edges as arrows. We have provided a method pathForArrow to create a UIBezierPath representing an arrow. See the documentation for a description of the method parameters for customizing how the arrow path is created.

  • Also, since edges are labeled in our graphs, GraphItem.edge now contains a label property.

    public enum GraphItem {
        case node(loc: CGPoint, name: String, highlighted: Bool)
        case edge(src: CGPoint, dst: CGPoint, label: String, highlighted: Bool)

    Your GraphView class should draw that label centered on the UIBezierPath created for the edge. (See the documentation for UIBezierPath.bounds to help with this. Once you get the path’s bounds, you can just get the midX and midY of that CGRect to get the center of the path.)


The controller will have much of the same structure as in “Connect The Dots”, with a few notable exceptions:

  • The model will be a DrawableGraph, and not a DotPuzzle, and updateUI() will need to operate on that DrawableGraph.

  • When animating layout, remember that you should never block the main UI thread for long-running operations, such as adjusting node locations, and you must always perform any operation touching GUI components from the main UI thread. This requires special care. We’ll cover this in detail in class.

  • Also, you should stop the layout animation if the user loads a new file – otherwise you may end up trying to change the locations of nodes in the wrong graph.

Problem 3: Specification and Implementation Tests

Write any additional tests that would help you test your DrawableGraph model. Focus only on tests for new functionality in DrawableGraph. That is, don’t test everything you already tested for in your Graph tests, only in how your DrawableGraph uses the Graph. You may also assume the all of the code I give you is correct – there are some interesting ways to test implementations of this sort of algorithm, but we’re already doing more than enough for one week.

Overall, there may be little to do here. It may be as simple as writing a test or two to create small DrawableGraphs and ensuring that you can iterate over them and access node locations properly.

Your parts of the view and controller code should be a relatively small and self-contained part of your program that can be manually tested once you have tested your model.

Part 2 Hints

Getting Started
  • You should be sure that graphs can be drawn correctly before working on the layout algorithm. That is, update your GraphItem and GraphView, to display arrows and edge labels. You can test these changes with a View Controller that just generates creates a small array of GraphItems to give to the graph view in updateUI().

  • Once that works, you can extend the View Controller to load graph files, create DrawableGraphs, and display the appropriate graph items in the view. This will look very much like your Connect The Dots controller.

  • Two Interface Builder pitfalls to avoid while creating your UI:

    • When adding gesture recognizers, be sure to drag them from the object library onto the view that they should be enabled for.

    • To use a custom view, do not change the class of the root view for your UIViewController. Instead, draw a “View” object from the object library onto the view controller’s window, resize it to fit the whole window, and then change the class of that new view. If your gesture recognizer actions do not run, make sure this is set up properly.

Layout Algorithm
  • You may wish to initially have your controller perform one layout step on each tap, so you can debug your code and verify it works without animation. Adding animation should follow our example from class.

  • Since layout will change where nodes are positioned, after each layout step, you should perform the “Zoom To Max” operation to keep the entire graph visible.

  • Try out different input graphs – there are a lot, so you may need to scroll up and down in the pop-up action sheet to see them all when loading. If performance is slow on the larger ones, you can turn off your checkRep() checks, as I showed in the slides for the testing/debugging lectures. We can help diagnose performance bottlenecks if you encounter any hitches along the way. Some of the extensions will also dramatically speed things up.

viewDidLoad() and viewDidLayoutSubviews()
  • Your controller’s viewDidLoad() method is a good place to load a file to start with. If you do this and find that the graph does not fill the screen even after “Zooming To Max”, it is likely that your viewDidLoad() code runs before your views are fully layed out. You can fix this by including the following method, which runs after the controller lays out its views:
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
    self.graphView.zoomToMax() // or your equivalent method.