CSCI 432 - Fall 2023
Operating Systems
Home | Calendar | Assignments | CS@Williams
The table below lists the topics we will discuss in class and
the readings associated with each topic. Readings should
be completed before their associated class meeting.
(Chapter readings refer to the course textbook.)
Please note that some readings are PDFs that can only be accessed
using a campus computer, proxy server, or the provided username and password. If you experience problems accessing
any of the assigned papers, please let your professor know as
soon as possible.
Lecture slides will be posted after each class. Click on the topic to
access the slides (on campus/proxy/password only).
Note that all future dates and topics are tentative and subject to change!
Date | Topic | Readings and Assignments | |
[1] 9/7 | Course Overview |
[2] 9/12 | Processes and Atomic Actions |
[3] 9/14 | Mutexes and Locks |
[4] 9/19 | Monitors and CVs, Producers-Consumers |
[5] 9/21 | Producers-Consumers, RW Locks, Semaphores |
[6] 9/26 | Semaphores, Implementing Threads |
[7] 9/28 | No class |
[8] 10/3 | Implementing Locks |
[9] 10/5 | Deadlock |
[--] 10/10 | Reading Days |
[10] 10/12 | CPU Scheduling |
[11] 10/17 | Threads Wrapup and Review |
[12] 10/19 | Intro to Memory |
[13] 10/24 | No class, midterm due |
[14] 10/26 | Address Translation and Page Replacement |
[15] 10/31 | Project 2 Overview & Dual-Mode Operation |
[16] 11/2 | Thrashing and Intro to VMs |
[17] 11/7 | Virtual Machines |
[18] 11/9 | Intro to Networks |
[19] 11/14 | Networks Wrapup/Resource Containers |
[20] 11/16 | Intro to Security |
[21] 11/21 | Security |
[--] 11/23 | THANKSGIVING |
[22] 11/28 | Smashing the Stack tutorial (bring laptop to class) |
[23] 11/30 | Security wrapup/Files |
[24] 12/5 | File Systems and Course Wrapup |
[25] 12/7 | Movie! |