CS 105
The Web: Technologies and Techniques

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Assignments, Laboratories and Grading

In addition to class meetings, we conduct laboratory sessions each week so that we can actively assist you in the development of the skills required to create HTML documents and Java programs. Attendance at these labs is mandatory. You will submit your laboratory work electronically. The procedure will be explained in laboratory.

Room B34 in Bronfman is the lab for Computer Science 105 (and other most other CS courses). It is equipped with a number of Macintosh computers that can be used to run all of the software needed for this course. The software used in the course is stored on disks in the computers in Bronfman B34 and available from the department's "Cider Press" file server in the "Computer Science" zone of the campus network.

Written assignments and short problems sets will be assigned as appropriate throughout the course.

Your work on all homeworks and programs must conform to the "Honor Code Guidelines for Computer Science Courses" . In interpreting these guidelines all the laboratory work in this course should be treated as "laboratory programs".

There will be a midterm and a final examination. Grades will be based on an average obtained by treating homework scores as 25%, laboratory grades as 25%, the midterm as 20% and the final as 30%.

To help you prepare for the final exam, I have placed an HTML version of last year's final on the web. I now also have a version of this old exam including solutions available. This was constructed in a bit of a hurry. So, if anything seems fishy, ask rather than spending a lot of time thinking about it.

I still have good intentions, but it is not clear that I will find the time to make some additional sample questions available as I had hoped.

Links to the descriptions of written homework assignments will appear hear as the course progresses. All laboratory assignments will be due at 11PM on the Monday evening following the laboratory period unless otherwise indicated on the assignment sheet.

The following link will take you to the description of the "midterm HTML project".

Links to the descriptions of laboratory assignments will appear hear as the course progresses.