CS 105 Lab 8 -- Fall 1998

In class, we have been discussing two closely related Web features: the Common Gateway Interface and HTML Form tags. For this lab, we would like you to get some practical experience using these features. The lab will involve two exercises. The first is quite short. All it will require is that you add a few images and links to your pages using the addresses of CGI scripts we have supplied. The result, however, will be that you will be able to monitor references made to the pages you have created.

For the rest of the lab period, we will ask you to work on the construction of an on-line questionnaire built using form tags. The emphasis here will be on building a form that incorporates a wide variety of input element types rather than on the interaction between the form and any CGI script. In fact, at first we will have you use the CGI script that has been used in class to simply "echo" the data your form sends to the server back to your browser.

There is no part II this week.

  • I-SPI: A Web Site Monitoring System
  • Run Your own Survey

  • As usual, to simplify printing, a version of the complete instructions for this lab as a single page is also available. Otherwise, the following links will lead you through the sections of this document.

    If you have questions about the instructions for this lab, you are encouraged to ask them through the discussion area for this lab in the course discussion forum.