CSCI 134

Introduction to Computer Science

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Lab assignments are due Wednesday 10 pm EST for students in Monday lab sections, and Thursday 10 pm EST for students in Tuesday lab sections. To request a 12-hour extension, please fill out this form before your lab's submission deadline.

Lab Date Topic
Sept 09/10 Lab 1: Python/Git Workflow   [Slides]
Sept 16/17 Lab 2: Day of the Week
Sept 23/24 Lab 3: Madlibs   [Slides]
Sept 30/Oct 1 Lab 4: Voting
Midterm Practice Optional Lab: Debugging
Oct 21/22 Lab 6: What’s In A Name?
Oct 28/29 Lab 7: Thinking Recursively
Nov 4/5 Lab 8: AutoComplete
Nov 11/12 Lab 9: Boggle!   [Part A]   [Part B]   [Graphics module]
Dec 2/3 Lab 10: Sorting


Homeworks will typically be in the form of multiple-choice questions answered online.

Due Date Topic
Sept 09Welcome
Sept 16Types, Expressions, & Functions
Sept 23Booleans and Conditionals
Sept 30Sequences and Loops
Oct 7Nested Lists, While Loops, & Mutability
Oct 14Scope and Sets
Oct 28Dictionaries and Recursion
Nov 4Object-Oriented Programming
Nov 11OOP and Special Methods
Nov 18Efficiency