CS 136 - Lecture 11

  1. Other linked list representations (cont'd.)
    1. Doubly-linked lists

Linked List Implementations (cont'd.)

Doubly-linked lists

Just as we needed SinglyLinkedListElements in order to build SinglyLinkedLists, we need DoublyLinkedListElements here:

public class DoublyLinkedListElement {

protected Object value;                            // value held in elt
protected DoublyLinkedListElement nextElement;     // successor elt
protected DoublyLinkedListElement previousElement; // predecessor elt

   public DoublyLinkedListElement(Object v,
                                  DoublyLinkedListElement next,
                                  DoublyLinkedListElement previous)
   // post: constructs new element with list
   //       prefix referenced by previous and
   //       suffix referenced by next
      data = v;
      nextElement = next;
      if (nextElement != null)
      previousElement = previous;
      if (previousElement != null)

   DoublyLinkedListElement(Object v)
   // post: constructs a single element

   public DoublyLinkedListElement next()
   // post: returns the element that follows this
      return nextElement;

   public DoublyLinkedListElement previous()
   // post: returns element that precedes this
      return previousElement;

   public Object value()
   // post: returns value stored here
      return data;

   public void setNext(DoublyLinkedListElement next)
   // post: sets value associated with this element
      nextElement = next;

   public void setPrevious(DoublyLinkedListElement previous)
   // post: establishes a new reference to a previous value
      previousElement = previous;

   public void setValue(Object value)
   // post: sets a new value for this object
      data = value;
With this defined, it is now easy to define a doubly-linked list. This time we'll keep track of both the first (head) and last (tail) elements of the list so we can get to tail quickly.
public class DoublyLinkedList implements List {

   protected DoublyLinkedListElement head;
   protected DoublyLinkedListElement tail;
   protected int count;

   public DoublyLinkedList()
   // post: constructs an empty list
      head = null;
      tail = null;
      count = 0;

   public void add(Object value)
   // post: adds value to beginning of list.

   public void addToHead(Object value)
   // pre: value is not null
   // post: adds element to head of list
      // construct a new element, making it the head
      head = new DoublyLinkedListElement(value, head, null);
      // fix tail, if necessary
      if (tail == null)
          tail = head;

   public Object removeFromHead()
   // pre: list is not empty
   // post: removes first value from list
      Assert.pre(!isEmpty(),"List is not empty.");
      DoublyLinkedListElement temp = head;
      head = head.next();
      if (head != null)
          tail = null; // remove final value
      temp.setNext(null);// clean things up; temp is free
      return temp.value();

   public void addToTail(Object value)
   // pre: value is not null
   // post: adds new value to tail of list
      // construct new element
      tail = new DoublyLinkedListElement(value, null, tail);
      // fix up head
      if (head == null)
          head = tail;

   public Object removeFromTail()
   // pre: list is not empty
   // post: removes value from tail of list
      Assert.pre(!isEmpty(),"List is not empty.");
      DoublyLinkedListElement temp = tail;
      tail = tail.previous();
      if (tail == null)
          head = null;
      return temp.value();

   public Object peek()
   // pre: list is not empty
   // post: returns first value in list.
      return head.value();

   public Object tailPeek()
   // pre: list is not empty
   // post: returns last value in list.
      return tail.value();

   public boolean contains(Object value)
   // pre: value not null
   // post: returns true iff value is in the list
      DoublyLinkedListElement finger = head;
      while ((finger != null) && (!finger.value().equals(value)))
          finger = finger.next();
      return finger != null;

   public Object remove(Object value)
   // pre: value is not null.  List can be empty.
   // post: first element matching value is removed from list
      DoublyLinkedListElement finger = head;
      while (finger != null && !finger.value().equals(value))
          finger = finger.next();
      if (finger != null)
          // fix next field of previous element
          if (finger.previous() != null)
              head = finger.next();
          // fix previous field of following element
          if (finger.next() != null)
              tail = finger.previous();
          count--;                 // fewer elements
          return finger.value();
      }             // Didn't find value
      return null;

   public int size()
   // post: returns the number of elements in list
      return count;

   public boolean isEmpty()
   // post: returns true iff the list has no elements.
      return size() == 0;

   public void clear()
   // post: removes all the elements from the list
      head = tail = null;
      count = 0;
RemoveFromTail is now O(1), but tradeoff is now all addition and removal operations must set one extra pointer in element. Must also worry about changing head and tail of the list.