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Project 5: Midterm Gallery

Students completed a self-directed team project as their midterm, comprising a preproduction specification and exploration step, a week of production work implementing algorithms, and a post-production process to create reports, results, and presentations on their work. Here are selected images and videos from their work.
Fast Ray Tracing
by team Cake: Aaron, Chris, Chansoo Lee, and Suresh
  • Ray tracing and photon mapping
  • Network distributed
  • Adaptive refinement sparse sampling
  • Deferred shading

Procedural Terrain Modeling
by the Heartbreakers: Jesse, Mike, Dio, Hai, and Chuan
  • Diamond-Square heightfield generation
  • Water and thermal erosion
  • "Titan Quest" texture blending

Subsurface Scattering
by Jason and Padraic

Parallax Occlusion Mapping
by Corey