CSCI 256
Home | Schedule | Resources | Williams CS | Glow
Instructor: | Bill Jannen |
Email: | |
Office: | TPL 304 |
Office Hours: | M 11-noon, Tu 3-4:30, W 1:30-3, and by appt. |
Class Meetings: |
MWF 10-10:50 in TBL 202 (or Ward Lab) |
TAs: | Max Enis, Max Kan, Petros Markopoulos Andrew Megalaa Ye Shu |
TA help hours: | TCL 206, see calendar below |
Course Description
This course investigates methods for designing efficient and reliable algorithms. By carefully analyzing the structure of a problem within a mathematical framework, it is often possible to dramatically decrease the computational resources needed to find a solution. In addition, analysis provides a method for verifying the correctness of an algorithm and accurately estimating its running time and space requirements. In this class, we will study several algorithm design strategies that build on data structures and programming techniques introduced in Computer Science 136. These include greedy, divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, and network flow algorithms. Additional topics of study include algorithms on graphs and strategies for handling potentially intractable problems.
Syllabus & Texts
The course syllabus describes the course policies and logistics, and the course schedule includes a list of meeting topics along with their associated readings, resources, and assignments. The course schedule will be updated regularly.
There is only one required textbook. It is the same textbook that was used by many previous CSCI 256 offerings; if a physical copy cannot be borrowed from a friend, a new or used book can be purchased from the college bookstore:
Note: A Pearson+ subscription is neither expected nor required. Purchase one ONLY if you know what it is (I do not) and are confident that a Pearson+ subscription will benefit your learning. (Then please let me know what your experiences are so I can pass them on to future students.) I suspect that digital services like that are attempts by textbook publishers to bring in revenues despite the prevalence of used book sales on classic (i.e., old) texts like this one.
Additional readings, audio, and/or video that are useful for class will be posted to the course schedule.
Office & TA Hour Schedule