CSCI 134
Introduction to Computer Science
Home | Lectures | Assignments | Resources | Williams CS
Course Schedule
The table below lists the topics we will discuss
and any items associated with each class/date.
Some of these resources will only be accessible from within the
campus network.
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The schedule is subject to change: we may wish to explore
new topics in response to current events or student interest.
You're more than welcome to work ahead, but please check with us first!
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri |
9/2 | 9/3 | 9/4 | 9/5 | 9/6 Welcome & Overview pogils |
9/9 Types & Expressions videos pogils |
9/10 | 9/11 Functions videos |
9/12 | 9/13 Booleans videos pogils |
9/16 Conditionals videos pogils |
9/17 | 9/18 Strings & Iteration videos pogils |
9/19 | 9/20 Lists & Iteration videos pogils |
9/23 Range & Nested Loops videos pogils |
9/24 | 9/25 Nested Lists videos pogils |
9/26 | 9/27 While Loops videos pogils |
9/30 Querying Sequences |
10/1 | 10/2 Mutability & Aliasing videos |
10/3 | 10/4 Scope videos |
10/7 Sets videos pogils |
10/8 | 10/9 Files & plotting |
10/10 | 10/11 Mountain Day? |
10/14 Reading Period |
10/15 Reading Period |
10/16 Review Session Bring Questions! |
10/17 Midterm Exam |
10/18 Dictionaries |
10/21 Recursion |
10/22 | 10/23 More Recursion |
10/24 | 10/25 Graphical Recursion |
10/28 Methods, Classes, Objects |
10/29 | 10/30 Accessor/Mutator/Special Methods |
10/31 | 11/1 Inheritance |
11/4 Tic-Tac-Toe |
11/5 | 11/6 Tic-Tac-Toe-Two |
11/7 | 11/8 Tic-Tac-Toe-Three |
11/11 Tic-Tac-Toe-Four |
11/12 | 11/13 Special Methods, Linked Lists |
11/14 | 11/15 Linked Lists, Efficiency |
11/18 Efficiency |
11/19 | 11/20 Searching/Sorting |
11/21 | 11/22 Sorting |
11/25 List Comprehensions |
11/26 | 11/27 Thanksgiving Break |
11/28 | 11/29 Thanksgiving Break |
12/2 Java |
12/3 | 12/4 Wrapup & Java |
12/5 | 12/6 Review (Jeopardy!) |
12/9 Reading Period |
12/10 Reading Period |
12/11 | 12/12 | 12/13 |
12/16 | 12/17 | 12/18 | 12/19 | 12/20 |