
from datascience import *
from cs104 import *
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline

1. Load maternal smoker data#

You can read more about this data here

births = Table.read_table('data/baby.csv')
Birth Weight Gestational Days Maternal Age Maternal Height Maternal Pregnancy Weight Maternal Smoker
120 284 27 62 100 False
113 282 33 64 135 False
128 279 28 64 115 True
108 282 23 67 125 True
136 286 25 62 93 False
138 244 33 62 178 False
132 245 23 65 140 False
120 289 25 62 125 False
143 299 30 66 136 True
140 351 27 68 120 False

... (1164 rows omitted)
Birth Weight Gestational Days Maternal Age Maternal Height Maternal Pregnancy Weight Maternal Smoker
120 284 27 62 100 False
113 282 33 64 135 False
128 279 28 64 115 True
108 282 23 67 125 True

... (1170 rows omitted)

smoking_and_birthweight ='Maternal Smoker', 'Birth Weight')'Maternal Smoker')
Maternal Smoker count
False 715
True 459
smoking_and_birthweight.hist('Birth Weight', group='Maternal Smoker')

2. Test Statistic#

means_table ='Maternal Smoker', np.mean)
Maternal Smoker Birth Weight mean
False 123.085
True 113.819
means = means_table.column('Birth Weight mean')
observed_difference = means.item(1) - means.item(0)

In keeping with the approach we laid out last lecture, we’ll focus only on absolute difference…

observed_difference = abs(means.item(1) - means.item(0))
def abs_difference_of_means(table, group_label, value_label):
        - table: name of table
        - group_label: column label for variable you want to group 
        - value_label: column label for the variable you want to take means of 
    Returns: Difference of mean birth weights of the two groups
    # table containing group means
    means_table =, np.mean)
    # array of group means
    means = means_table.column(value_label + ' mean')
    return abs(means.item(1) - means.item(0))

Our observed difference

observed_difference = abs_difference_of_means(births, 'Maternal Smoker', "Birth Weight")

We can use this function on lots of columns!

abs_difference_of_means(births, 'Maternal Smoker', "Maternal Age")
abs_difference_of_means(births, 'Maternal Smoker', "Maternal Height")

3. Simulation Under Null Hypothesis#

Creating Permutations of Labels#

Just use a tiny table to show our approach…

tiny_smoking_and_birthweight = smoking_and_birthweight.take(np.arange(0,6))
shuffled_labels = tiny_smoking_and_birthweight.sample(with_replacement=False).column('Maternal Smoker')
original_and_shuffled = tiny_smoking_and_birthweight.with_column('Shuffled Label', shuffled_labels)
Maternal Smoker Birth Weight Shuffled Label
False 120 False
False 113 True
True 128 True
True 108 False
False 136 False
False 138 False

A function to make a permutation!

def permutation_sample(table, group_column_name):
    Returns: The table with a new "Shuffled Label" column containing
    the shuffled values of the group column.
    # array of shuffled labels
    shuffled_labels = table.sample(with_replacement=False).column(group_column_name)
    # table of numerical variable and shuffled labels
    shuffled_table = table.with_column('Shuffled Label', shuffled_labels)
    return shuffled_table
original_and_shuffled = permutation_sample(tiny_smoking_and_birthweight, "Maternal Smoker")
Maternal Smoker Birth Weight Shuffled Label
False 120 True
False 113 False
True 128 False
True 108 True
False 136 False
False 138 False
# Steve: The statistic for our reshuffled label
abs_difference_of_means(original_and_shuffled, "Shuffled Label", "Birth Weight")

And now the full table…

Maternal Smoker Birth Weight
False 120
False 113
True 128
True 108
False 136
False 138
False 132
False 120
True 143
False 140

... (1164 rows omitted)

original_and_shuffled = permutation_sample(smoking_and_birthweight, "Maternal Smoker")
Maternal Smoker Birth Weight Shuffled Label
False 120 False
False 113 False
True 128 True
True 108 False
False 136 False
False 138 False
False 132 False
False 120 True
True 143 False
False 140 False

... (1164 rows omitted)

# "one trial" of our simulation 
abs_difference_of_means(original_and_shuffled, 'Shuffled Label', 'Birth Weight')

Permutation Test#

# Steve: I removed the values column name from here -- no need to include it and do a select
# Just return the original table with a new column.
def permutation_sample(table, group_column_name):
    Returns: The table with a new "Shuffled Label" column containing
    the shuffled values of the group column.
    # array of shuffled labels
    shuffled_labels = table.sample(with_replacement=False).column(group_column_name)
    # table of numerical variable and shuffled labels
    shuffled_table = table.with_column('Shuffled Label', shuffled_labels)
    return shuffled_table
def simulate_birth_weights(num_trials):
    birth_weight_simulated_statistics = make_array()
    for i in np.arange(0, num_trials): 

        one_sample = permutation_sample(smoking_and_birthweight, "Maternal Smoker")
        statistic_one_sample = abs(abs_difference_of_means(one_sample, 
                                                           "Shuffled Label", 
                                                           "Birth Weight"))

        birth_weight_simulated_statistics = np.append(birth_weight_simulated_statistics, 
    return birth_weight_simulated_statistics
simulated_birth_weight_diffs = simulate_birth_weights(1000)
results = Table().with_column('abs(Group B Mean - Group A Mean)', simulated_birth_weight_diffs)

Let’s calculate the p-value (even if we can easily guess what it is here)…

sum(simulated_birth_weight_diffs >= observed_difference) / len(simulated_birth_weight_diffs)

4. Randomized Controlled Experiment#

rct = Table.read_table('data/bta.csv')
Group Result
Control 1
Control 1
Control 0
Control 0
Control 0
Control 0
Control 0
Control 0
Control 0
Control 0
Control 0
Control 0
Control 0
Control 0
Control 0
Control 0
Treatment 1
Treatment 1
Treatment 1
Treatment 1
Treatment 1
Treatment 1
Treatment 1
Treatment 1
Treatment 1
Treatment 0
Treatment 0
Treatment 0
Treatment 0
Treatment 0
Treatment 0
rct.pivot('Result', 'Group') #Recall: the default aggregation function counts the items 
Group 0.0 1.0
Control 14 2
Treatment 6 9
# This tells us the proportion in each group who improved.'Group', np.average)
Group Result average
Control 0.125
Treatment 0.6

Testing the Hypotheses#

shuffled_labels = rct.sample(with_replacement=False).column('Group')
original_and_shuffled = rct.with_column('Shuffled Label', shuffled_labels)
Group Result Shuffled Label
Control 1 Control
Control 1 Control
Control 0 Treatment
Control 0 Treatment
Control 0 Treatment
Control 0 Treatment
Control 0 Control
Control 0 Control
Control 0 Treatment
Control 0 Control

... (21 rows omitted)

# Original RCT'Result', 'Group').group('Group', np.average)
Group Result average
Control 0.125
Treatment 0.6
# Shuffled RCT from the permutation test'Result', 'Shuffled Label').group('Shuffled Label', np.average)
Shuffled Label Result average
Control 0.3125
Treatment 0.4
def difference_of_proportions(table, group_label, value_label):
    """Takes: name of table,
    column label that indicates which group the row relates to
    Returns: Difference of proportions of 1's in the two groups"""
    # table containing group means
    proportions_table =, np.mean)
    # array of group means
    proportions = proportions_table.column(value_label + ' mean')
    return abs(proportions.item(1) - proportions.item(0))
observed_diff = difference_of_proportions(rct, 'Group', 'Result')
# Reuse permutation_sample, and structure same as first example.
def empirical_difference_of_proportions_distribution(num_iterations):
    simulated_diffs = make_array()

    for i in np.arange(num_iterations):
        one_sample = permutation_sample(rct, 'Group')
        statistic_one_sample = abs(abs_difference_of_means(one_sample, 
                                                           "Shuffled Label", 
        simulated_diffs = np.append(simulated_diffs, statistic_one_sample)
    return simulated_diffs
simulated_diffs = empirical_difference_of_proportions_distribution(2000)
col_name = 'Difference between Treatment and Control'
results = Table().with_column(col_name, simulated_diffs)
plot = results.hist(bins=np.arange(0,0.7,0.1))
# p-value
sum(simulated_diffs >= observed_diff) / len(simulated_diffs)