Williams College CS 137 Syllabus Fall 1994


Tentative Office Hours:


Leaf Petersen is the CSCI 137 TA. He and/or other TA's will be available in the CS Macintosh laboratory (BSC B28) from 7 to 11pm, Sunday through Thursday evenings.


None. Elements of ML Programming by Jefferey D. Ullman is recommended.

Course Objectives:

The focus of this course will be on techniques for producing efficient and correct programs to solve complex problems. We will combine attention to rapid prototyping of complex problems with later study of efficient implementation of complex data structures used to solve those problems. We will attain these goals by beginning with the study of a high-level functional programming language, ML, which will allow us to quickly produce correct programs, and later shifting to an object-oriented extension of Pascal, which will allow us to transform the earlier functional programs into much more efficient programs. An on-going theme for the entire course is the design and efficient implementation of reusable data structures which will allow us to easily solve complex problems.

ML is a modern functional programming language which is in increasing use for production-quality software. We will be using an implementation of Standard ML on the Sun workstations owned by the CS department. For those who would like to use it, there is a public-domain version available for the Macintosh. Unfortunately, the error messages are not as good with that version.

Apple Computer added object-oriented extensions to Pascal in order to build its innovative graphical operating system in 1984. In the second half of the course we will use these extensions, which are built into the Think Pascal compiler.

Students will be expected to write several programs, ranging from very short programs to more elaborate systems. Since one of our goals in this course is to teach you how to write large, reliable programs composed from reusable pieces, we will be emphasizing the development of clear, modular programs that are easy to read, debug, verify, analyze, and modify. We will emphasize the use of rapid prototyping to quickly check out flaws in program designs.

Workload and Grading:

Programs will be assigned weekly or biweekly. More short programs will be assigned when we first introduce a language, while larger, more complex programs will be assigned once students are familiar with the language. All programs will be graded on documentation and style (40%), correctness (40%), and efficiency (20%). Students should read and follow carefully the programming standards in the department style guide as well as those given in class in order to avoid losing significant points on style and documentation. You will begin to appreciate the value of clear, well- documented programs as you take programs written early in the semester and modify and enhance them later.

Programs are due by 11:59pm on the date due (though I typically don't impose the grade penalty for a program turned in within an hour of the deadline). There will be a penalty assessed of 2^n % for a program which is n days late. Programs will not be accepted more than five days late. It is usually better to turn in a correct program one or two days late than a non-functioning program on time. See the attached Department policy statement on late work. All programs must be turned in to avoid a grade of failure in the course.

There will be two in-class midterm exams, tentatively scheduled for Thursday, 10/20, and Thursday, 11/17, plus a scheduled final exam. Homework exercises (non-programming assignments) will be assigned and collected in class periodically. The grading will be weighted as follows:


The syllabus is likely to be modified in minor ways as appropriate during the semester.
   Day         Topic
  1. 9/12 Introduction and Overview, Intro to ML
  2. 9/14 ML - expressions, basic data types, and functions
  3. 9/16 Complex data types: tuples, records, and lists
  4. 9/19 Pattern matching, type inference, and polymorphism
  5. 9/21 Mathematical induction and correctness
  6. 9/23 Sorting
  7. 9/26 More sorting and efficiency
  8. 9/28 User-defined data types
  9. 9/30 Abstypes
  10. 10/3 Stacks
  11. 10/5 Stacks - applications
  12. 10/7 Queues
  13. 10/10 Binary trees
  14. 10/12 Binary trees - applications
  15. 10/14 More Binary trees ----------------------------------------------------------------- 10/17 Fall Reading Period -----------------------------------------------------------------
  16. 10/19 Binary search trees ----------------------------------------------------------------- 10/20 Hour Exam I -----------------------------------------------------------------
  17. 10/21 Structures, signatures, and functors
  18. 10/24 What is object-oriented programming?
  19. 10/26 Objects in Think Pascal
  20. 10/28 Lists as objects
  21. 10/31 More lists
  22. 11/2 More lists
  23. 11/4 More lists & intro to stacks
  24. 11/7 Stacks and Queues
  25. 11/9 Trees & Binary search trees
  26. 11/11 Trees: Heaps and Priority Queues
  27. 11/14 HeapSort
  28. 11/16 Graphs I: Specification and Applications ----------------------------------------------------------------- 11/17 Hour Exam II -----------------------------------------------------------------
  29. 11/18 Graphs II: More Applications and Implementations
  30. 311/21 Graphs III: More Applications and Implementations
  31. 11/23 Graphs IV: More Implementations ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thanksgiving -----------------------------------------------------------------
  32. 11/28 Balanced trees
  33. 11/30 Tables ADT
  34. 12/2 More tables, Hashing I
  35. 12/5 Hashing II
  36. 12/7 Building a better mousetrap (or OOL)
  37. 12/9 Summary: Data Structures, prototyping, functional and object-oriented languages