CSCI 237

Computer Organization

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Lab 5: Understanding Cache Memories

Assigned Apr 10/11, 2024
Prelim Due Date Apr 16/17, 2018 at 11:59pm. You should have the basic infrastructure for your code in place (reading from trace file, parsing command line arguments, etc) for this preliminary submission.
Final Due Date Apr 23/24, 2018 at 11:59pm. Final version of csim.c.
Files lab5.tar  [Slides]
Submissions Submit your solutions using submit237 5 csim.c. If you work with a partner, only one submission per pair is required.


This lab will help you understand the operation of cache memories and the impact they can have on the performance of your C programs. In this lab you will write a small C program (about 200-300 lines) that simulates the behavior of a cache memory.

You may work with a partner on this lab. Groups of three or more are not permitted. If you choose to work with a partner, make sure that both members of the group are contributing/typing equally.


To fetch the source files for this lab, right click on lab5.tar and choose "Save As" to download the tarball to your local directory. You may want to move this file to a more desirable location using the Unix mv command. Alternatively, if you are using SSH to work remotely, you may want to use wget to fetch the file. Once you have used cd to navigate to the desired directory on a lab machine, you can use the following command to fetch the tarball:

         $ wget 

Extract the contents using the following command:

         $ tar xvf lab5.tar    

This will create the directory cachelab, which contains a number of files. You will be modifying one file inside this directory: csim.c. To compile these files, type:

         $ cd cachelab
         $ make clean; make 

Reference Trace Files

The traces subdirectory contains a collection of reference trace files that you will use to evaluate the correctness of your cache simulator. The trace files are generated by a Linux program called valgrind. For example, typing

         $ valgrind --log-fd=1 --tool=lackey -v --trace-mem=yes ls -l

on the command line runs the executable program "ls -l", captures a trace of each of its memory accesses in the order they occur, and prints them on stdout.

Valgrind memory traces have the following form:

         I  0400d7d4,8                                                                                                                        
          M 0421c7f0,4                                                                                                                       
          L 04f6b868,8                                                                                                                       
          S 7ff0005c8,8

Each line denotes one or two memory accesses. The format of each line is

         [space]operation address,size

The operation field denotes the type of memory access: "I" denotes an instruction load, "L" a data load, "S" a data store, and "M" a data modify (i.e., a data load followed by a data store). There is never a space before an "I". There is always a space before an "M", "L", and "S". The address field specifies a 64-bit hexadecimal memory address. The size field specifies the number of bytes accessed by the operation.

Writing a Cache Simulator

In this lab you will write a cache simulator in csim.c that takes a valgrind memory trace as input, simulates the hit/miss behavior of a cache memory on this trace, and outputs the total number of hits, misses, and evictions.

I have provided you with the binary executable of a reference cache simulator, called csim-ref, that simulates the behavior of a cache with arbitrary size and associativity on a valgrind trace file. It uses the LRU (least-recently used) replacement policy when choosing which cache line to evict.

The reference simulator takes the following command-line arguments:

         Usage: ./csim-ref [-hv] -s <s> -E <E> -b <b> -t <tracefile>

The command-line arguments are based on the notation (s, E, and b) from CSAPP (see page 617). Figure 6.25 on page 616 is also helpful. For example:

         $ ./csim-ref -s 4 -E 1 -b 4 -t traces/yi.trace
         hits:4 misses:5 evictions:3

The same example in verbose mode:

         $ ./csim-ref -v -s 4 -E 1 -b 4 -t traces/yi.trace
         L 10,1 miss
         M 20,1 miss hit
         L 22,1 hit
         S 18,1 hit
         L 110,1 miss eviction
         L 210,1 miss eviction
         M 12,1 miss eviction hit
         hits:4 misses:5 evictions:3

Your job is to fill in the csim.c file so that it takes the same command line arguments and produces the identical output as the reference simulator. There is some starter code included in cachelab.c, cachelab.h, and csim.c that you should review before writing your own code.

Programming Rules


I will run your cache simulator using different cache parameters and traces. There are eight test cases, each worth 3 points, except for the last case, which is worth 6 points:

$ ./csim -s 1 -E 1 -b 1 -t traces/yi2.trace $ ./csim -s 4 -E 2 -b 4 -t traces/yi.trace $ ./csim -s 2 -E 1 -b 4 -t traces/dave.trace $ ./csim -s 2 -E 1 -b 3 -t traces/trans.trace $ ./csim -s 2 -E 2 -b 3 -t traces/trans.trace $ ./csim -s 2 -E 4 -b 3 -t traces/trans.trace $ ./csim -s 5 -E 1 -b 5 -t traces/trans.trace $ ./csim -s 5 -E 1 -b 5 -t traces/long.trace

You can use the reference simulator csim-ref to obtain the correct answer for each of these test cases. During debugging, use the -v option for a detailed record of each hit and miss.

For each test case, outputting the correct number of cache hits, misses and evictions will give you full credit for that test case. Each of your reported number of hits, misses and evictions is worth 1/3 of the credit for that test case. That is, if a particular test case is worth 3 points, and your simulator outputs the correct number of hits and misses, but reports the wrong number of evictions, then you will earn 2 points.

Hints and Details

I have provided you with a simplified autograding program, called test-csim, that tests the correctness of your cache simulator on the reference traces. Be sure to compile your simulator before running the test:

$ make $ ./test-csim Your simulator Reference simulator Points (s,E,b) Hits Misses Evicts Hits Misses Evicts 3 (1,1,1) 9 8 6 9 8 6 traces/yi2.trace 3 (4,2,4) 4 5 2 4 5 2 traces/yi.trace 3 (2,1,4) 2 3 1 2 3 1 traces/dave.trace 3 (2,1,3) 167 71 67 167 71 67 traces/trans.trace 3 (2,2,3) 201 37 29 201 37 29 traces/trans.trace 3 (2,4,3) 212 26 10 212 26 10 traces/trans.trace 3 (5,1,5) 231 7 0 231 7 0 traces/trans.trace 6 (5,1,5) 265189 21775 21743 265189 21775 21743 traces/long.trace 27

For each test, it shows the number of points you earned, the cache parameters, the input trace file, and a comparison of the results from your simulator and the reference simulator.

Getting Started

Here are some suggestions for getting started:
