CSCI 237

Computer Organization

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Lab 4: Memory Management and C Programming

Assigned Apr 3/4, 2024
Due Date Apr 9/10 at 11:59pm.
Files lab4.tar   [Slides]
Submissions Submit your solutions using submit237 4 bitmap.c.


The most direct goals of this lab are to explore manual memory management (explicitly allocating and freeing memory) and using structs, pointers, and arrays.

The indirect (but perhaps more important) goal of this lab is to practice designing and implementing software that meets an interface's specification. Although you must implement a specific set of functions that must have specific behaviors, instructions on how to design and test the interface's implementation are less clearly specified compared to previous labs.


The starter code for this lab is minimal, consisting of a handful of very small files: [bitmap.h], [bitmap.c], [bitmap_test.c], and [Makefile], The primary purpose of the starter code is to define standard function definitions so that I can run and test your code in a consistent way. For this reason it is important to preserve the types/definitions of the functions exactly.

Implementing a Bitmap

In this lab, you will be implementing a "bitmap". A bitmap, roughly speaking, is a logical array of individually addressable bits (elements that can take on the value of 0 or 1). The bitmap we will be implementing is a simplified version of Java's BitSet class. (In our bitmap, we will only be setting and querying individual bits; there won't be any "Set" or "Range" operations.)

Bitmaps have a variety of uses. In graphics, the bits are a direct representation of the pixels in the image. The left half of image below shows the bits in the bitmap, and the right half depicts what would show on screen. In monochrome systems, one bit is used to represent one pixel.

Bitmaps can also be used to track the status of a set of resources. If each resource is assigned a unique identifier (an integer index), then a resource could be marked "available" if its corresponding entry in the bitmap has value "0", or marked "in-use" if its corresponding entry in the bitmap has value "1". A minimal set of operations we would need to track this information is a set() operation, which assigns the value 1 to the bit at a particular index, an unset() operation, which assigns the value 0 to the bit at a particular index, and a get() operation, which returns the value of the bit at a particular index (either a 0 or a 1). When a bitmap that contains n bits is initialized, each of the bits is initialized to the value 0.

The Bitmap Files

To implement and test your bitmap, you will modify the files bitmap.c and bitmap_test.c. You should not modify bitmap.h. Like in many C programs, the header file contains the declaration of each required operation, and the corresponding ".c" file is where you will implement the functions. The bitmap_test.c file has a int main(int argc, char **argv) function, and it is where you should write code that incrementally tests your functions as you implement them. Rules in the Makefile file can be used to compile your code; typing make at the command line should build the executable program bitmap_test for you. Note that we will not grade bitmap_test.c, but you are strongly encouraged to use it for testing your bitmap implementation. You will not be able to rely solely on the autograder for testing.

Bitmap Design

You will be implementing your bitmap's functionality using the struct bitmap defined in bitmap.h This structure has three fields:

Function Specifications

To complete the lab, you must implement the following six functions as described below:

To help you visualize the state of your bitmap, we have provided the function void dump_bitmap(struct bitmap *bmap) for you. It prints the structure fields as well as a visual representation of the bitmap. Although void dump_bitmap(struct bitmap *bmap) is not sufficient to thoroughly test your implementation's correctness, it is useful for quick checks and diagnoses. Note that dump_bitmap() depends on your get_bit() function, so it may not display meaningful values for your bitmap's bits until that function is correctly implemented.

Testing Your Code

You should plan your implementation strategy so that you can incrementally test. You should design tests that verify that you've achieved the desired functionality. We will test your implementation by calling your functions and comparing the results to a reference bitmap implementation. "Illegal" operations (like trying to call set() on a bit outside the bitmap's range) should not crash your program, but they should not modify the bitmap's state. Be sure to think about all of the functionality that you are asked to implement and test that your bitmap behaves as specified.


To submit your lab, please use submit237 4 bitmap.c.

This lab was designed to reinforce some of the most challenging aspects of C programming (pointers and memory management) in a fun, but straightforward way.