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Lab 7: More Fun with JavaScript!

For this week's lab assignment, you will learn more about using JavaScript to add intelligence and advanced functionality to your web pages. Specifically, you will learn about using global variables, if statements, arrays, and for-loops.

Warmup 1: Global vs. Local Variables

In Labs 5 and 6, you probably used variables to store the values of the user's input text in your madlib games. For example, many of you had lines of code such as:
var noun1 = document.forms["myForm"]["noun"].value;
After reading in values for all of your variables, you then wrote/displayed your final madlib/story using those variables. In your JavaScript code, you probably only defined one function. In general, JavaScript allows you to define multiple functions. You could imagine, for example, a second function in your madlib game that actually validated the text being entered. It might have checked to see if you truly entered a noun when a noun was requested, for instance.

In JavaScript, a variable that is defined within a function is called a local variable. Local variables are accessible to all code contained within a function, but not beyond. If you want to access a variable in multiple functions, you must declare it outside of a function. These variables are called global variables. Generally, we refer to the accessibility of variables as their scope within a program. You can read more about variables and their scope here and here.

Look at the following code:
var counter=0;

function simpleTest() {
	counter = counter+1;
Note the use of the global variable counter. Suppose the function simpleTest was called each time a button was clicked. What would this program do? Check it out here. (Recall that you can view the source of this page in Chrome by Ctrl+clicking and choosing "View Page Source.")

Now imagine that we change the code slightly to use a local variable instead:
function simpleTest() {
	var counter=0;
	counter = counter+1;
As before, suppose the function simpleTest was called each time a button was clicked. What would this program do? Check it out here. Do you understand the difference? In general, you will find that you often need a combination of local and global variables in your programs.

Warmup 2: If/Else Statements

In order to add more advanced functionality to our webpages, we must be able to react in different ways to the user's input, time of day, etc. In other words, you might want to execute different branches of code depending on a specific condition. In JavaScript (and most other programming languages), this is accomplished through the use of an if/else statement. This simple programming construct allows us to perform one action if a given condition is satisfied, and another action if it is not.

Here is what an if/else statement looks like in JavaScript:
if (condition1) {
    block of code to be executed if condition1 is true
} else if (condition2) {
    block of code to be executed if the condition1 is false and condition2 is true
} else {
    block of code to be executed if the condition1 is false and condition2 is false
Note that you don't need to have 3 branches of execution; it's completely ok to just have an single if statement without an else. The form shown above is the general form of an if/else statement.

Take a moment to carefully read more about if/else statements here. Try a few of the examples and make sure you understand what's going on. I especially like the light bulb example. If this example does not make sense, ask for an explanation before moving on.

Warmup 3: Arrays and For-loops

Once again, recall your use of variables in Labs 5 and 6. What if you need to keep track of more than just 5-10 variables? Certainly you could name each of them individually, but this can be tedious and annoying. In JavaScript (and most other programming languages), programmers can use a programming construct called an array to store multiple values in a single variable. For example, suppose I wanted to keep track of the days of the week, but didn't want to create 7 separate variables. Using an array, this looks like this:
var days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"];
To access one of the days of the week, I can just ask for the word at a specific index. In the days array shown above, the word at index 0 is Monday, the word at index 1 is Tuesday, the word at index 2 is Wednesday, and so on. Note: In JavaScript, indices in an array start at 0! In other words, if I want the first word or element in an array, I ask for the 0th element, not the 1st. For example, the following code would print Tuesday, not Monday.
Notice the syntax that is used to access the elements in an array. We use the array name, followed by the index in square brackets without any spaces.

In many cases, it is useful to be able to loop through an array, which basically means we cycle through the array looking at one element at a time. The best way to do this is using something called a for-loop. For-loops allow us to quickly and easily iterate over all elements in an array. For example, look at the following code:
var index;
var days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"];
for (index=0; index < days.length; index=index+1) {
    alert("index = "+index+" and the day is "+days[index]);
This code loops through our days of the week array, and simply pops up an alert with the index value and day for each of our 7 days. Let's look at the structure of the for-loop a little closer. The for-loop has the following basic syntax:
for (statement 1; statement 2; statement 3) {
    code block to be executed
Here, the code located at "statement 1" is executed before the loop (the "code block") starts. In this case, we are just setting index=0. Statement 2 defines the condition for running the loop. In other words, statement 2 specifies a property that must be true in order for the loop to keep running. In our days of the week example, the loop should keep running as long as index < days.length. (Note that days.length is a built-in function that tells you how many elements exist in the days array. days.length is 7 in our case.) Statement 3 is executed once at the end of the loop, i.e., after the code block has been executed. In the above example, we are simply adding 1 to index. The end result is that our loop will execute 7 times, printing out the value of index and each day of the week exactly once before exiting. You can try it yourself here. You can also experiment on your own by Ctrl+clicking array.html, saving this to your www directory, and checking out the code.

Before continuing, carefully read through this page on JavaScript arrays, and this page on JavaScript for-loops.

Exercise 1: Binary Search

Recall the classic "Pick a Number" game that involves one person randomly picking a number in some range (say 1 to 100), and then a second person trying to guess that number. The first person often gives the guesser clues such as "higher" and "lower" to help the guesser find the right number quickly.

The optimal strategy for the guesser involves a classic Computer Science algorithm called a binary search. You can read more about binary search here. Basically, the guesser first guesses the midpoint of the range of numbers, i.e., 50 in a game from 1 to 100. Then, based on the first person's response, the guesser either guesses 25 (the midpoint between 1 and 50) or 75 (the midpoint between 50 and 100) depending on if they were too high or too low the first time. By repeatedly choosing the midpoint of the remaining acceptable range, the guesser eliminates half of the remaining viable guesses on each turn, which is where the name binary search originates. This strategy will allow the guesser to consistently find the answer in the fewest number of turns.

Your task is to build this simple game. You can assume that the range of numbers is between 1 and 100. You can also make use of the following JavaScript code that will randomly pick a number between 1 and 100:
var target = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1); 
  1. Start by Ctrl+clicking and saving binary-search.html to your www directory. I have left comments in both the JavaScript code and HTML code to help guide your efforts.
  2. Scroll down to the body of the page. Create the HTML form and button just as you did last week. This week there will only be one textbox for entering the guessed value.
  3. Fill in the JavaScript code in the header. You will need to define a global variable for holding the target value. Assign the target a random value between 1 and 100.
  4. Finally, you need to create an if/else statement within submitGuess() for checking to see if the target value was entered. IMPORTANT: To check for equality between two numbers in JavaScript, even when using variables, you use two equal signs within the if statement's condition. You can find more info here. For example, look at the following sample code that checks to see if x is equal to 5:
    if (x == 5) {
        alert("x is 5.");
    You also need to check to see if the value entered was higher (>) or lower (<) than the target, and make a suggestion (using alerts) about guessing higher or lower on the next round. You do not need to worry about having the game automatically repeat.

Exercise 2: Hangman!

For our final exercise, we'll revisit another classic game: Hangman. Put simply, Hangman is a game where the player has to guess the letters in a secret word before being hanged. Each time an incorrect letter is guessed, a new body part is added to the hanging person. (In retrospect, I've never realized how gross that game is until now.)
  1. Start by Ctrl+clicking and saving hangman.html and to your www directory. Double click on to expand the zip file. The basic HTML for your game has already been provided for you. You should look over it, however, since you will have to manipulate various parts of it in the code that you write. I have left comments in the JavaScript code to help guide your efforts.
  2. The bulk of your work involves filling in the JavaScript in the body of the page. You should be able to follow the comments (i.e., the lines that start with //) to help you. Remember that the purpose of this lab is to gain experience with variables, arrays, if/else statements, and for-loops. Most of the other code is provided for you. However, you should understand all of it at this point!
  3. The dictionary consists of 5 letter words that I found in my son's Kindergarten reading book. Feel free to add others!
  4. Extra credit opportunity: extend the code to work for words with varying size (rather than all words having 5 letters).

Tasks for lab

  1. Spend a few minutes making sure your webpages are up to date. Fix broken links, rerun the HTML and CSS validators to make sure everything still works.
  2. Carefully read and understand all 3 Warmup sections.
  3. Complete Exercises 1 and 2. In the end, you should have completed versions of binary-search.html and hangman.html.
  4. Save your files and test often! Have fun!

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