Installing Tools for CS 326

If you wish to use your own computer, you can install the software we’ll be using as follows.

XCode 10.1

  1. Create an Apple Developer account at This is free and enables you to download XCode.

  2. After you are logged in, go to the following page:

  3. Select and download XCode 10.1. Do not download any other version to ensure compatibility with the class materials!

  4. Double click on the downloaded file to decompress it.

  5. Drag the resulting file into the Applications folder.

  6. Launch the application to complete the installation and verify that it works.

  7. You will also need to install XCode’s command-line tools in order to use git from the command line. To do this, open a terminal window and run the following command:

    xcode-select --install

    In the dialog box that pops up, click “Install”. Do Not Click “Get XCode”!

    Type git on the command line to verify that the tools were installed properly.

XCode 11

Actually, some of you are still experiencing some compatability issues. Perhaps the best route is to create your projects on a lab computer, even if you then checkout out the project on your own computer.

If you have chosen to install XCode 11 on your own computer, you will need to take special care when setting up projects. In particular:

  • When creating a new project:
    • Do not change Team from None, or else you will be the only person able to compile the code.
    • Do not use SwiftUI – change that option to Storyboard.
  • After creating a project, you must change several project settings:
    • Deployment Target should be 11.2
    • Swift Language Version should be 4.2.

If you do not follow these steps, I will be unable to compile and run your code. I will become less lenient about fixing configuration problems as the semester progresses. It is your responsibility to ensure the projects work in our lab environment, so I strongly encourage you to clone your repository onto one of the lab machines and try to build/run your programs with XCode 10.1 before you submit them.


Git can be installed separately from, but if you follow the above instructions for XCode, it will be installed as part of the command line tools package.

Markdown Editors

The following are two good Markdown editors for the Mac that are free to download and use: