Swing/GUI Cheat Sheet

General reminders

To display a Swing component, you must:

To get events from a GUI component, you must do the following:

When the listener method is called, you can find out which component sent the event by calling getSource() on the event.

    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) {
        Object theButton = event.getSource();
        if (theButton == framedCircleButton) {
            // Create a framed circle

If a method returns a String, remember to compare the result using the equals method, not ==:

    aMenu.getSelectedItem ().equals ("A value")

GUI Components

The following methods can be applied to any Component:

    void setFont (Font f)
    void setForeground (Color c)
    void setBackground (Color c)

To construct a font use:

    new Font (String name, int style, int size)

Style can be one of Font.BOLD, Font.ITALIC, Font.PLAIN, or Font.BOLD + Font.ITALIC.

The specific components we have considered:

  1. JButton
    new JButton (String s)
    General Methods:
    String getText ( )
    void setText (String s)
    Listener Interface:
    Adding the listener:
    void addActionListener (ActionListener al)
    Listening Method:
    void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
  2. JComboBox
    Constructor and Initialization:
    new JComboBox ( )
    void addItem (Object item)
    General Methods:

    To find out which item was selected, use:

    Object getSelectedItem ( )
    If you wish to treat the value returned from this method as a String, you may use either the toString() method, as in
    String text = menu.getSelectedItem().toString();
    or a type cast, as in:
    String text = (String) menu.getSelectedItem ( );

    To find out the index of the item that was selected, use:

    int getSelectedIndex ( )
    Listener Interface:
    Adding the listener:
    void addItemListener (ItemListener il)
    Listening Method:
    void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent e)
  3. JLabel
    new JLabel (String s)
    new JLabel (String s, int align)
    align is one of JLabel.RIGHT, JLabel.LEFT, JLabel.CENTER
    General Methods:
    void setText (String s)
    String getText ( )
    Listener Interface:

    no listeners available for JLabels

  4. JSlider
    new JSlider (int orientation, 
                  int minimum, int maximum, int initialValue)
    orientation is one of JSlider.HORIZONTAL or JSlider.VERTICAL
    General Methods:
    void setValue (int newVal)
    To find out the current value, use:
    int getValue ( )
    Listener Interface:
    Adding the Listener:
    addChangeListener (ChangeListener al)
    Listening Method:
    void stateChanged (ChangeEvent e)
  5. JTextField
    new JTextField (String s)
    General Methods:
    void setText (String s)
    To find out the value typed, use:
    String getText ( )
    Listener Interface:
    Adding the Listener:
    addActionListener (ActionListener al)
    Listening Method:
    void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)


Both JPanel and the object obtained by sending getContentPane() to a WindowController object are containers (and have type Container). The following methods are available for all containers.

To define the type of layout, use:

    void setLayout (LayoutManager lm)
LayoutManager may be any of the layout managers listed below.

To add something to a container:

    void add (Component c)
Component may be any Component (such as JButton, JTextField, JSlider, ...) or Container (such as JPanel). Use the method above if the container has a FlowLayout or GridLayout. Use the one below if it has a BorderLayout.
    void add (Component c, int position)
The position may be any of BorderLayout.NORTH, BorderLayout.SOUTH, BorderLayout.EAST,
BorderLayout.WEST, or BorderLayout.CENTER.

Constructing a JPanel is very straightforward:

new JPanel ()

Layout Managers

  1. BorderLayout (Default for WindowController)


    new BorderLayout ()
  2. FlowLayout (Default for JPanel)


    new FlowLayout ()
  3. GridLayout


    new GridLayout (int rows, int cols)
    new GridLayout (int rows, int cols, int colSpacing, int rowSpacing)