Java Elements FAQ

Last updated September 27, 2000:

There is a missing reference to the structure package. What is this about?

In addition to downloading the element package, you should also download a copy of the structure package as well. This package provides a number of routines that support input and output in a portable manner. You can get the structure package from This package is also used in the CS2 course supported by the book Java Structures.

What do I do with the file?

The zip file should be left as it is, and not unzipped. Java stores class files in zip files to form packages. When you set up your environment, you should include the zip file in your CLASSPATH, or if you are using an environment, such as Code Warrior, you should include the zip file in the project.

I am having trouble getting the import statements to find the classes from the package. Why?

On systems where CLASSPATH must be set, remember to add the zip file to the CLASSPATH directly. If absolutely necessary the class files may be unzipped from the package and placed in a directory named element. The parent directory to the element directory should be included in your CLASSPATH. The zip file formats are far more efficient because fewer files must be opened during the import.

How do I create a CodeWarrior library?

If you're using the CodeWarrior system from MetroWerks, you will find instructions for creating libraries (jar files) here.

How do I create CodeWarrior stationery for use in a class?

If you're using the CodeWarrior system from MetroWerks in classes, you will find instructions for creating stationery that makes use of the library jar files here.

How do I get a larger ConsoleWindow?

First, if the window is very small, you may have an outdated version of the element package. There are problems on Windows machines using Sun's environment (javac). Pick a new distribution and try that out.

Otherwise, use the constructor for the console window that takes the size as parameters. Here's the example usage: import element.*; public class test { public static void main(String[] args) { ConsoleWindow c = new ConsoleWindow(50,80,"Try this"); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { c.out.println(i); } } }