* @version $Id: Ratio.java,v 1.1 1997/07/20 12:37:00 bailey Exp bailey $
* @author duane a. bailey

// modified 9/97 William Lenhart
// modified 2/98 Kim Bruce
// modified 2/99 Andrea Danyluk

import java.lang.Math;

    public class Ratio
    { // an object for storing a fraction

        protected int numerator; // numerator of ratio
        protected int denominator; // denominator of ratio

        public Ratio(int top, int bottom)
        // pre: bottom != 0
        // post: constructs a ratio equivalent to top/bottom
            if (bottom < 0){
            bottom = -bottom;
            top = -top;
        int reducer = gcd(bottom,top);
        numerator = top/reducer;
        denominator = bottom/reducer;

        protected static int gcd(int first,int second)
        // post: return gcd of first and second.
            int fst,snd; // reduced versions of first, second
            if ((first == 0) || (second == 0))
                return 1;
                fst = Math.abs(first);
            snd = Math.abs(second);
            int next = fst % snd; // indicates when done
            while(next != 0){
                fst = snd;
                snd = next;
                 next = (fst % snd);
            return snd;

        public int getNumerator()
        // post: return the numerator of the fraction
            return numerator;

        public int getDenominator()
        // post: return the denominator of the fration
            return denominator;

        public boolean equals(Object other)
        // post: returns true if the fractions are equal
        // because all reduced, could be simpler.
            Ratio otherRatio = (Ratio) other;
            return (this.numerator * otherRatio.denominator) ==
            (this.denominator * otherRatio.numerator);

        // Should redefine hashcode, but ignore for now

        public String toString()
        // post: returns a string representation of the fraction
            return numerator + "/" + denominator;

        public double value()
        // post: returns the real value equivalent to ratio
             return (double)numerator/(double)denominator;

        public Ratio add(Ratio other)
        // pre: other is non-null
        // post: return new fraction --- the sum of this and other
            return new Ratio(this.numerator*other.denominator+

        public static void main(String[] args)
            Ratio r = new Ratio(1,1); // r == 1.0;
            r = new Ratio(1,2); // r == 0.5;
            r.add(new Ratio(1,3)); // r == 0.5;
            r = r.add(new Ratio(1,4)); // r == 0.75

            System.out.println(); // skip a line
            System.out.println(r.value()); // 0.75 printed

            Ratio q = new Ratio(9,12);
            System.out.println("q = " + q);
            System.out.println("r = " + r);
            System.out.print("They are ");
            if (!q.equals(r))
                System.out.print("not ");
            System.out.println(); // skip a line